Hello, I'm Mario R.

Dove's Flight Hunting is an exciting and challenging experience that combines skill and strategy to hunt doves in flight. Here I tell you what it is like: Imagine an open field, with the sun shining and a gentle breeze moving the leaves on the trees. Suddenly, a group of pigeons emerge from the horizon, flying in formation and heading towards you. Hunters, equipped with shotguns and appropriate ammunition, hide behind natural or artificial hiding places, waiting for the perfect moment to shoot. The objective is to hit the pigeons in mid-flight, which requires skill, concentration and practice. The challenge is even greater because pigeons are fast and agile birds, capable of changing direction in an instant. Hunters must anticipate their movements and adjust their aim accordingly. The excitement grows when the pigeons approach, and the sound of the shotguns breaks the silence of the field. The aroma of gunpowder and adrenaline fill the air, creating an unforgettable experience for hunters. Dove's Flight Hunting is a tradition that combines connection with nature, skill and strategy, and the thrill of the hunt. Do you want to feel that unique experience? hire your package and come enjoy with us

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